
Science Based Education

I fill the gap between the experts and the public to create action oriented content. I aim to empower ordinary folks!

State of Hydration

Smoothies 4 Students

The August heat makes hydration more important than ever. Don’t let dehydration put a damper on your summer with these easy tips!

5 Ways to Gain Control Over Your Emotions

FIU News

The last several months have been exhausting. Neurocognitive researcher George Buzzell has techniques to help keep your emotions in check.

Zen Fest Helps Students Get Their Zen On

F.I.U News

With events around the world going virtual this year, FIU’s Zen Fest is no exception.  See how the Healthy Living Program managed to still bring the same relaxing energy as years prior.

Is Stress Keeping You Up at Night?

American Institute of Stress

Tossing all night can lead to feeling tired, moody and less productive. Health educator Selena Sifontes has advice for those sleepless nights.

How to Rediscover Your Motivation

F.I.U News

After a long spring semester, it can be difficult to feel motivated to do your best. Here are some practical tips and tricks to help you succeed this summer.

3 Steps to Turn Your Failures into Stepping Stones

F.I.U News

Ditch the hopelessness and frustration that usually comes with failure and learn how to reframe them into helpful experiences.

3 Steps To Turn Your Failures Into Stepping Stones

F.I.U News

Ditch the hopelessness and frustration that usually comes with failure and learn how to reframe them into helpful experiences.

How Mindfulness Can Change Your Life

F.I.U Campus Well Blog

Mindfulness has a plethora of benefits from stress relief to better relationships, so here are some ways to get started.

6 Ways To Eat Healthier In Quarantine

F.I.U Campus Well Blog

Lots of time spent at home can mean a lot of cooking and snacking, so here are some ways you can transition your nutritional needs in these strange times.

8 Ways To Set Up A Routine While Social Distancing

F.I.U Campus Well Blog

We know it’s tempting to sleep in a bit during remote life, but having a routine can have many benefits and here are 8 ways start one.

15 Affirmations To Get Through Social DIstancing

F.I.U Campus Well Blog

We get it, it’s tough to stay positive in such turbulent times. So here are 15 affirmations to help you get through this pandemic.

How Much Water Should You Be Drinking?

F.I.U Campus Well Blog

Getting enough water may be the last thing on your mind right now, but it’s a little change with big impacts.